Vision Statement

St Teresa’s College Abergowrie, is a Catholic secondary boys boarding college located in the Herbert River Valley, 38 kms from Ingham, situated on Warrgamay land. We are an inclusive community, embracing families from the Australian mainland and islands and international students from Papua New Guinea. Within the college more than 40 communities are represented and as many as 70 languages and dialects are spoken. Many faith traditions live in our faith community, enriching the living of the message of Jesus Christ and sharing in the truth and challenge of the Gospel. 

St Teresa’s College Abergowrie in partnership with families and communities, is dedicated to growing good men and providing a meaningful education in the spirit of Jesus Christ.” 

View the Vision and Mission Statement PDF

We Give Thanks...

“St Teresa's College would like to acknowledge the Warrgamay People, the Traditional Owners of this Country, who freely lived and hunted here as recently as the 1940's. We acknowledge the hospitality of the Warrgamay People, the hospitality of this land, and the reciprocal relationship the College enjoys with their current generations."

Feb 26

We are in week 5 of Term 1
There are 10 weeks in Term 1