
The Australian Government Department of Education (the department) would like to advise all staff, parents and guardians that it will collect certain information about your school, its staff and student body as part of the 2023 Non-Government School Census collection (the Census).

2023 Non-Government Schools Census Collection Notice

The Diocese of Townsville

It covers an area of 434,400 square kilometres, extending from Townsville on the Coast, to the Whitsunday and Burdekin regions in the South and North to Ingham and Halifax, south-west to Winton, and west to the border with the Northern Territory, encompassing Mount Isa and several small, isolated western towns and east to Palm Island. St Teresa's College is part of the Diocese of Townsville.

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Townsville Catholic Education Office

The regional Catholic Education Office administering over 30 schools in North Queensland, including St Teresa's College.

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Queensland Catholic Education Commission

The Commission is a 16 member body with certain state-wide responsibilities in respect of Catholic schools which are administered by five Diocesan education authorities and a number of Religious Institutes of Queensland.The Commission's principal goal is the co-ordination and advancement of Catholic education in Queensland.

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Australian Boarding Schools Association

The Australian Boarding Schools' Association (ABSA), as the leading authority in Australia on boarding for school-aged children, will promote the interests and well-being of boarders, boarding staff, boarding parents and boarding institutions in Australia. It will function as an umbrella organisation which fosters collegiality and professionalism at a regional, state and federal level.

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We Give Thanks...

“St Teresa's College would like to acknowledge the Warrgamay People, the Traditional Owners of this Country, who freely lived and hunted here as recently as the 1940's. We acknowledge the hospitality of the Warrgamay People, the hospitality of this land, and the reciprocal relationship the College enjoys with their current generations."

Dec 21

We are in week 3 of school holidays
Term 1 starts Monday 22 January 2024